Bemis Library Art Show
Call for Entry
Call for Entry

The annual Heritage Fine Arts Guild Bemis Library show will be held May 3-May 29, 2021. The show is open to all Heritage members. Prizes will be awarded for Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and honorable mentions. This is an in-person show!
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
No. Paintings/Artist: Up to 2
Entry Fee: $20
Delivery of Paintings: Monday, May 3, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Downstairs gallery in the Bemis Library Masks Required
Reception: Cancelled due to Covid restrictions
After Show Art Pickup: Saturday, May 29, 10:00 am – noon Masks Required
JUROR: Kathy Beekman (
No. Paintings/Artist: Up to 2
Entry Fee: $20
Delivery of Paintings: Monday, May 3, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Downstairs gallery in the Bemis Library Masks Required
Reception: Cancelled due to Covid restrictions
After Show Art Pickup: Saturday, May 29, 10:00 am – noon Masks Required
JUROR: Kathy Beekman (

Please note: The Guild will contact the artist if there is a potential buyer and the artist will handle the sale and delivery. Heritage will not take a commission on sales.
- No works copied from magazines, calendars or printed sources
- No artwork that has previously been entered into in-person art shows in Littleton in the past year. Art in the HFAG Spring Online Show that didn’t win an award can be entered.
- Paintings cannot be removed before the end of the show.
- Quality frames with wire hangers. No sawtooth hangers.
- Painted wrap-around canvases are acceptable.
- No paintings that previously won an award at a Heritage Guild show.
- No printed images such as photos, silkscreens, etchings or wood prints.
- Painting titles, prices and are label details are final once entered.
- No oversize work (larger than 22” x 30” framed). Hanging large pieces is at the discretion of the hanging committee and decisions are final.
- Label the back of your artwork with the following information:
Please note: The Guild will contact the artist if there is a potential buyer and the artist will handle the sale and delivery. Heritage will not take a commission on sales.
If you would be willing to help with painting intake, writing notes for
the juror, hanging or taking paintings down, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Linda Millarke (303-973-0867) or Orrel Schooler (303-798-6481).
the juror, hanging or taking paintings down, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Linda Millarke (303-973-0867) or Orrel Schooler (303-798-6481).
Step 1:Print and complete this Entry Form:
Step 2:
Mail the entry form by April 28 to: Linda Millarke 8000 W. Spanish Peak Littleton, CO 80127 |
Step 3:
Pay $20 entry fee online:
Send a check to: Carolyn Moershel 4367 S Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80113 |